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In the Fall of 2011, I was selected to present an iteration of WaveForm at the annual conference of The Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts being held in Kitchener, Ontario. The theme of the conference, and the accompanying art exhibit was PHARMAKON - that which can both cure and kill.

For the exhibit, I designed a new permutation of WaveForm using footage from Pare Lorentz’s The River, a depression era documentary made to encourage people to fund the damming of rivers. My choice of this footage as a source of data to be manipulated by cell phone and WiFI frequencies stemmed from my interest in creating a conceptual link between the unruly physical properties of bodies of water and that of invisible radiation, and underscores the theme of indeterminate, natural forces which are cultivated by science and industry for the benefit - and sometimes to the detriment - of human beings.

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