
Brian Cantrell, PhD, is a media designer, researcher, and creative technologist who works primarily in the areas of sound design and interactive audio, but often applies his visual arts background to design research and visual development for media. His personal work explores the role of the experiential in science communication, typically through experimental arts approaches to data visualization and sonification in the context of art-science collaboration. His broader research interests include worldbuilding and systems-oriented design methodologies, computational aesthetics, and phenomenology of perception. Since early 2017, Brian has worked with USC's Worldbuilding Media Lab on a number of interdisciplinary design projects including InnerSpace (formerly World in a Cell), a collaboration with the Michelson Center for Convergent Biosciences that seeks to build a data-driven, immersive model of the inner structure and function of the pancreatic beta cell. Additionally, Brian has taught college-level courses ranging from observational drawing to worldbuilding for media production. He holds a doctorate in Media Arts and Practice from University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts and recently completed a postdoctoral research appointment in the Vision Center Laboratory at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

CV available upon request.